Litter Clearing in North Sulawesi / Indonesia

Hi, my name’s Maria and I live in a village near Manado in North Sulawesi / Indonesia.  

I work at a beautiful diving resort (, a short distance from my village, where I’ve met lots of interesting tourists including John, one of the Directors of What Can You Do (Earth) CIC

I keep in touch with John via Facebook and Messenger and John has often asked me to write a blog for the website – here it is!

I also work as a volunteer for an organization called MASATA (Masyarakat Sadar Wisata – or Tourism Conscious Community) in Minahasa, North Sulawesi.  My team and I are involved in clearing the rubbish alongside main roads as well as clearing rubbish from our beautiful sea.  In this seriesof photos, we are clearing rubbish from alongside the Trans Sulawesi Road near to the dive resort:

Litter Clearing in North Sulawesi (2)

cleaning litter IndonesiaWe do this to improve the local environment to make it cleaner and to make other people aware and care about their surroundings by not littering.  It’s a big job and a long-term project!

Through MASATA I also get involved in ocean litter clearing which is critical to the long-term success of the Bunaken Marine Park – one of the best places to dive anywhere in the World!  John is clearly a fan of the LumbaLumba dive lodge as he has visited us on at least 16 occasions since 1997!!

Litter cleaning indonesia


September 2021

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“tellus” is a Latin word meaning “Earth” e.g. Tellus Mater the ancient Roman Earth Mother Goddess

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