What Can You Do Press Release August 22 2023

22 August 2023


What Can You Do (Earth) CIC’s “Let’s Create an App – Journey” Nominated as Finalist in the
Charity (Third Sector) Category at the Prestigious UK IT Industry Awards 2023

London UK: What Can You Do (Earth) CIC, a UK-based Community Interest Company dedicated to promoting global sustainability and social responsibility, is thrilled to announce its nomination as one of eight finalists in the respected “Charity (Third Sector) Project of the Year” category at the UK IT Industry Awards 2023.  The nomination recognises the exceptional efforts of What Can You Do (Earth) CIC in crafting an impactful digital journey through its “Let’s Create an App” initiative.

The UK IT Industry Awards, organised by Computing & the BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT, and UK Business Publishing – are renowned for celebrating innovation, excellence, and achievements within the technology industry.  The Charity (Third Sector) category recognises organisations that have demonstrated exceptional prowess in leveraging technology for societal betterment.

The journey of What Can You Do (Earth) CIC’s “Let’s Create an App” initiative has been a testament to dedication, resilience, and innovation.  The initiative encompasses the development of the transformative WhatCanYouDo.Earth website, designed to educate, inspire, and mobilise individuals and businesses in support of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Additionally, the journey extends to the creation of the innovative WCYDo App, which bridges the gap between awareness and action, enabling users to engage with the SDGs through meaningful commitments.

The “Let’s Create an App” journey has not been without its challenges.  The Team at What Can You Do (Earth) persevered through the global Covid-19 pandemic, which disrupted normal operations.  Moreover, the Team faced the unprecedented Ukrainian crisis resulting from the Russian invasion, a challenge that directly impacted members of the Team based there.

UK resident John Stuchbery, CEO and Technical Director of What Can You Do (Earth) CIC, expressed gratitude and excitement over the nomination, saying, “We are immensely proud to be recognised as a finalist in the Charity (Third Sector) category at the UK IT Industry Awards.  This nomination is a testament to the dedication of our Team and the impact we are striving to make through our ‘Let’s Create an App’ journey.  We are excited to share our story and inspire others to embrace technology for positive change.”

The winners of the UK IT Industry Awards 2023 will be announced at a prestigious ceremony on Wednesday the 8 November 2023 in London.  This recognition highlights What Can You Do (Earth) CIC’s commitment to driving social change and sustainability through technology.  The Team eagerly anticipates the event and the opportunity to share their impactful journey with a wider audience.

For media inquiries and further information, please contact:

John Stuchbery
CEO / Technical Director

About What Can You Do (Earth) CIC: What Can You Do (Earth) CIC is a UK-based Community Interest Company established to combine business with social justice and drive positive change through enterprise.  The company’s initiatives, including the transformative WCYDo App and the enlightening WhatCanYouDo.Earth website, aim to mobilise and inspire individuals and businesses to support the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Website: https://www.whatcanyoudo.earth
Download the WCYDo App: https://whatcanyoudo.earth/the-app-detail-v2/
“Let’s Create an App” BLOG: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1d7co6zvu2gjtyn23vcw4/Lets-Create-an-App-BLOG.pdf?rlkey=q2lkstjh62f7td9qb0oep2r0g&dl=0

UK IT Industry Awards: https://ukitindustryawards.co.uk/ukitindustryawards2023/en/page/home

Increased Brand Responsibility & Transparency. Following Sustainability

During recent years, the global community has witnessed a significant shift in consumer expectations. People are becoming more aware of the environmental and social impacts of their purchasing decisions and, as a result, businesses across various industries start recognizing the importance of sustainability practices and demonstrating brand responsibility and transparency. 

Let’s explore how companies can benefit from aligning with sustainability and why increased responsibility and transparency are so essential in today’s business environment. 

Building Consumer Trust

Consumers are now more in favour  of supporting brands that are transparent about their sustainability efforts in society. When they openly share information about eco-friendly practices, ethical sourcing, and responsible manufacturing, businesses can build trust with their audience and customers. 

Transparent communication ensures a deeper connection, allowing consumers to make sustainable choices and feel good about the brands which they support.

Meeting Consumer Expectations

Sustainability is becoming a key consideration choice for modern consumers. They are seeking products and services that align with their values and can contribute something good to society and the environment they live in. 

Businesses can meet these changing expectations and gain a competitive position in the market if they follow sustainable practices. 

If brands prioritize sustainability choices and demonstrate their commitment to making a positive impact, they attract more conscientious consumers, who are ready to pay for ethical and eco-friendly products.

Strengthening Brand Reputation

In today’s world, responsibility and transparency contribute significantly to a brand’s reputation. 

When companies proactively address environmental and social challenges, they enhance their image as responsible citizens. 

This brings loyalty among consumers, employees, and even among stakeholders. 

By being open about their sustainability initiatives, brands can differentiate themselves from competitors and establish a positive reputation, which resonates with their target audience.

Examples of brands leading the way 

There are several brands that are leading the way and setting a positive example through their commitment to responsible business practices. 


Patagonia is an outdoor apparel company, which is encouraging customers to repair and reuse their clothing, minimizing waste. Additionally, Patagonia donates a huge portion from their sales to environmental cases and supports fair trade practices throughout their supply chain.

Seventh Generation

Seventh Generation is a household and personal care products company with a high emphasis on sustainability. They prioritize using plant-based ingredients and avoiding harmful chemicals in their products. Seventh Generation is committed to reducing their environmental impact through using recycled packaging materials and reducing waste throughout their operations.


Tesla is an innovative electric vehicle manufacturer, revolutionizing the automotive industry with their commitment to sustainability, by producing high-performance electric cars. 

Tesla aims to accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. 

They also aim to make their manufacturing processes more sustainable and are actively involved in developing renewable energy solutions.

The above  brands serve as inspiring examples of companies that prioritize responsible business practices and demonstrate that profitability can go hand in hand with sustainability. 

As consumers, we should all  support these and other brands and encourage others to adopt responsible practices, creating a more sustainable and ethical business environment.

Effectively communicating a brand’s responsibility and sustainable practices is more important than ever. Consumers are seeking out brands that align with their values and make a positive impact on society and the environment. 

How can brands communicate their responsibility effectively and engage audiences through narratives? 

Crafting an Effective Message

The first step to craft an effective message is to define the purpose of the message. Clearly state your brand’s purpose and values related to responsibility. Identify the specific social or environmental issues your brand is committed to.  This clarity will help to shape your message and will resonate with your target audience.

While crafting an effective message make sure to stay transparent. Transparency is crucial in building trust with consumers. Share concrete information about your responsible practices, such as sustainability goals, certifications, and your sustainability actions. Be open about your successes and challenges, demonstrating commitment to improvement.

The third point to keep in mind is to use clear and engaging language. Make sure to avoid jargon and use simple language to convey your brand’s responsibility. 

Clearly communicate the positive impact you’re making and how consumers can be a part of the change. Make your message compelling and easy to understand.

Remember to engage with your audiences! Encourage audience participation and showcase how they can contribute to your brand’s responsible mission. Foster a sense of community by inviting customers to share their own experiences or ideas for positive change. You can use social media platforms, campaigns, and events to engage with your audience directly and more effectively.

Brand responsibility and transparency are no longer optional; they are essential for long-term success and creating a positive impact on our planet and society. 

Today brands have an opportunity to embrace sustainable practices, prioritize transparency, and engage consumers through meaningful storytelling. 

Brands can inspire others for a change and foster a more responsible and sustainable business environment.

Let us all commit to making responsible choices and working together towards a better future for the generations to come.

For more information on what you can do, visit us and join our efforts to create a fairer, safer world at our Facebook Page, Instagram and Pinterest.

Increased Brand Responsibility & Transparency. Following Sustainability