4. Education

SDG 4 – Quality Education

Earth year 4,492,056,017
Mother Earth/ Gaia‘s Blog

Mankind, My children

In my first blog post I asked that you commit to following my blog posts for a few weeks to give me a chance to explain the most important issues affecting our joint survival. Subsequent Blogs have started to give you some facts about the big and important Global issues that need to be addressed and what sorts of actions you should take. Today I want to talk about SDG 4 – Quality Education.

The problem

Photo Courtesy: TESS India

Enrollment in primary schools of developing countries has improved considerably in recent Decades but 57 million children still remain out of school. Of the 103 million young people who have no literacy skills, 60% are women. Poor girls have less opportunities for education and are twice as likely to be married off while still in childhood (15 million girls under 18 are married off each year). This can have devastating consequences as risk of death for a child under 5 is twice as high for mothers who are not educated. Education is therefore a major tool to bring gender equality, to increase earning potential and to increase a girl’s life chances. Just 1 year extra in school can increase a woman’s earnings by up to 20%.

Do you feel guilty when watching TV reports about the suffering of the poor in developing countries and the lack of educational opportunities which deny them the chance have a good job to be able to earn enough money to be able to live? Do you feel sorry for them? Do you feel helpless and wish something could be done ?. Have you ever thought about what YOU personally might do to help make the world a better place where such persons might be helped? Now is your chance to do something to change the world!

The facts

1. 57 million children do not go to school
2. 103 million young people worldwide lack basic literacy skills
3. Girls have less access to educational opportunities than boys
4 Just 1 year extra in school can increase a woman’s earnings by up to 20%

WCYDo (What Can You Do?)

1. Join with friends or family to sponsor a girl child in a developing country through primary school
2. Donate once a month or fund raise for www.unitedworldschools.orgwww.i4qed.org
3. Join a pressure group heforshe.org
4. Share the facts about Education with family and friends

Encourage others to join us and to visit our Facebook Page to sign up for our newsletter and information about our proposed WCYDo APP. See you next week on blog post 6.


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