A New Year and Big News!

Happy New Year to all of you dedicated followers of What Can You Do. 

This last year we’ve experienced a lot of uncertainty and disruption to our daily lives and our culture as a whole.  This year will be a big one here at What Can You Do.  We are growing our social network as we make giant steps towards the release of our WCYDo App

As part of this “flow-state”, we are entering into this New Year with some big news… we have just become a Community Interest Company or “CIC”!  It is what it sounds like.  It’s a company that holds the wider community at its heart.  A CIC runs like a normal company but with strong social objectives where profits go towards public good rather than the pockets of shareholders.  I like to think of it as the middle ground between a Company and a Charity – where business approaches and skills  can be applied in a charity environment to achieve social objectives. 

With a project like What Can You Do where we are driven by our larger goal to be a helping hand in building a better World, it is vital that profitability is aligned with our ethos.  So with this exciting news and the new shape of our Company, I want to take this opportunity to inform you of how this will change our practices, the advantages of becoming a CIC and why we made the change.  

Soon we will be announcing the long-awaited release of the WCYDo App (we’ve had a few technical issues with our Developers!). 

For those of you who don’t know, this is a visual, interactive App that helps you pick a set of “Actions” in support of a “World-nourishing Goal” that you’re passionate about.  It could be to end World hunger, or perhaps it’s Climate Action (there are 17 amazing Sustainable Development Goals to choose from).  The App acts as a trusted guide as to how you, (yes, you!), can make a difference, whilst living your everyday life!  These “Actions” are small, achievable steps that lead us closer towards a healed World and it’s all made possible through your smartphone. 

One of the best features of the App, is that your progress will be visualised through a very cool looking graph (excuse my colloquial language but it’s the best way to describe it), this then can be instantly shared with friends, family and other fellow “What Can You Do-‘ers” to see what you’re up to, and vice versa.  The App will be a source of motivation, pride, progress, and ultimately, change.  It’s a way of placing these enormous, larger than life goals into the hands of everyone so we can all contribute and feel more involved and empowered within the movement! 

After all, Governments and Corporations cannot solve the problems of the World alone, they need the support of individuals globally if we are to achieve success for us and generations to come.  Action by one single individual has only  a small impact but if that same action is taken by millions, the impact  can be enormous – even world changing!  The App will allow you to share your progress, facts, information and memes on areas of interest.  You can also play quiz games alone or against friends in your free time or while you are waiting for something to happen.  

Just to be sure CIC’s stick to their obligations, there’s a UK Government appointed Regulator that ensures CIC’s keep their promises and comply with the requirements of a CIC.  In one of my previous blogs, I talked about Corporate Sustainability Reports where Companies have to make their sustainability objectives accessible to the public.  I’m a big believer that transparency and accountability make for better, more community-interested decision making.  

We are now applying this very concept to ourselves by becoming a CIC.  Our annual report will be a public record submitted to the CIC Regulator and will report on the benefits we’re providing, ‘performance-related interest’ that’s paid, and the steps and outcomes of our activities.  With this status, it grants us a bigger voice within the realm of social enterprise.  By transforming our little band into a Community Interest Company, we maintain creative control whilst channelling 70% of our profits into the Sustainable Development Goals.  So effectively, just by purchasing the App, you’ve already contributed – yup, it is that easy!  

This brings me to, what money are we talking about?  Well, when the App is released, the one-time app fee is $1.99 (plus local taxes – or equivalent in local currency) which, interestingly, is pretty much the daily income of 10% of the World living in Extreme Poverty.  Further down the line we aim to offer some funky branded merchandise (t-shirts, mugs, bags etc) to show off your chosen goal and encourage others to “Get Involved, Make a Difference. Make some NOISE!

We can’t wait to introduce you to our App, stay posted folks and keep well!  Let us know your thoughts on our Facebook or Instagram page at @whatcanyoudo.earth!



Eliza Pitkin

February 2021






Do you agree?  Tell us what you think – email: tellus@whatcanyoudo.earth or via our “Social Media Channels” (Top Right of our landing page)
“tellus” is a Latin word meaning “Earth” e.g. Tellus Mater the ancient Roman Earth Mother Goddess

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