14. Life Below Water

SDG 14 – Life Below Water

Earth year 4,492,056,017

Mother Earth/ Gaia‘s Blog

Mankind, My children

In my first blog I asked that you commit to following my blogs for a few weeks to give me a chance to explain the most important issues affecting our joint survival. In today’s Blog I want to talk about Life Below Water.

The Problem

Oceans cover the majority of the earth surface, contain 97% of the Earth’s water and 99% of living space on Earth by volume.

Billions depend on marine and coastal diversity for their livelihoods and depend on oceans for their primary source of protein.Life below water

However, despite their importance to the human race, as much as 40% of oceans are now heavily negatively affected by man’s activities including pollution,  depletion of fisheries by over fishing, loss of coastal habitats through climate change etc.

In addition, plastic bags, oil pollution and other waste kill sea life and the situation continues to deteriorate year by year.

Are you concerned about over fishing and pollution and the devastating effects this is having around the world – especially on the millions of people in developing countries who have the least ability and resources to deal with loss of income and livelihoods ?

Do you get angry at those who pollute and destroy the environment through uncaring commercial activities? Now is your chance to do something to help change the world!

The facts

1. Oceans cover 75% of Earths surface, provide 97% Earth’s water and 99% of living space on Earth by volume
2. Over 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal diversity for their livelihoods,
3. Over 200 million people are directly or indirectly employed by marine fishery sector and 3 billion depend on oceans for their primary source of protein
4. Oceans absorb 30% the carbon dioxide produced by humans and so help to counteract the effects of Global warning.
5. 40% of oceans are heavily negatively affected by man’s activities including pollution, depletion of fisheries by over fishing, loss of coastal habitats etc.

WCYDo (wich-ee-do What Can You Do?)

1. When buying fish, ask if it comes from sustainable sources
2. Ask if sustainable sources of fish are being used when ordering fish in restaurants
3. Avoid use of plastic water bottles or use reusable bottles to reduce ocean pollution
4. Write to local and National politicians to support action on reducing ocean pollution
5. Tell family, friends and others to join us and to do the same

Tell at least 2 others and encourage them to join our group on Facebook to sign up for the newsletter and information about our proposed APP . See you nest tine on blog 15


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