13. Climate Change

SDG 13 – Climate Action

Earth year 4,492,056,017

Mother Earth/ Gaia‘s Blog

Mankind, My children

In my first blog I asked that you commit to following my blogs for a few weeks to give me a chance to explain the most important issues affecting our joint survival. In today’s Blog I want to talk about Climate Action. 

The Problem

Worldwide Carbon Dioxide emissions have increased 50% since 1990 and are now the highest they have been in at least 800,000 years. This and other factors affecting global warming are increasing global temperatures and increasing frequency and severities of storms around the world. In addition, for every 1 degree temperature increase, grain yields decline by 5% and Maize, Wheat and other major food  crops have been reducing year on year.

SDG 13 Climate change

Feeding the growing Global population while crop yields are declining will become a problem and may result in forced migrations and war. Oceans are warming and Arctic ice is melting, causing rising sea levels and severe risks and dangers for coastal populations and sea life.

Are you concerned about climate change and the devastating effects around the world?

Do you ever think about the millions in developing countries who have the least ability and resources to deal with such climatic disasters, affecting them when their homes, businesses and communities are repeatedly destroyed in storms? Now is your chance to do something to change the world!

The facts

  1. Over 1 million square kilometres of Artic ice is lost every Decade
  2. Global warming caused sea levels to rise 19 cms between 1901 and 2002 and is expected to increase them by a further 63 cms by 2100
  3. Global warming has led to increased frequency and intensity of storms causing increased deaths and devastation around the world
  4. 1% rise in global warming results in a 5% reduction in grain yields affecting food security of the planet and reducing food available for poor farmers

 WCYDo (wich-ee-do    What Can You Do?)  

  1. Use more sustainable transport- walk, cycle or public transport, instead of using cars
  2. Use less energy – switch off electrical devices at wall plug sources when not in use
  3. Stop paper bank statements to reduce forest destruction (for wood to make paper)
  4. Donate to charities, such as www.nature.org
  5. Write to local and National politicians to support urgent action on climate change
  6. Tell family, friends and others to join us and to do the same

Encourage others to join us and to visit us on Facebook to sign up for our newsletter and information about our proposed WCYDo  APP.  See you next week on blog 14. 


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