COP26 Summit

COP26 Summit

In 2021 we have become witnesses of numerous severe storms, fires and floods around the globe. These natural disasters are the result of human activity, polluting air, water resources, destroying wildlife and as a result climate change. Plenty of people have lost their homes this year, some people died….

These devastating weather events pushed a lot of country leaders to reconsider their goals and start taking more actions without delay.
In November 2021 Italy and the UK are hosting COP – the Conference of the Parties. COP has been bringing all the countries from over the world together for 3 decades by the UN to set global priorities and find the solutions to these burning issues.

In November 2021 COP will be hosting the 26th conference, chaired by the UK as President. COP will be held in Glasgow. (The conference has been delayed for 1 year due to COVID restrictions.)

COP26 Summit
Credits: Aimstock,

The 2030 decade is crucial for the whole world, this is why we all look forward to this event and decisions to be undertaken.

2021 has shown mankind must change the way of thinking and attitude to the Earth, the only home we have. Everyone around the globe must shift towards a sustainable way of living and rethink their own needs and values.

More information about COP26 is available on the official website via the link. (

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